Our fleet toll management services can save fleets up to 50 percent over unmanaged toll methods. Around the world, all-electronic toll roads and cashless toll lanes are enabling speed, convenience, and improved mobility for drivers. However, lack of interoperability among toll authorities can create a complex, disjointed experience for fleets, since cashless and all-electronic toll collection is not designed with fleets in mind. As a result, fleet toll management can be a complicated, arduous, and error-prone undertaking for commercial fleets, fleet management companies, and rental car companies.
Two Ways to Pay Tolls on Time and Avoid Fines
We process 300 million toll transactions each year for fleets and in the process remove the burden of managing toll payments while saving fleets millions. We have a solution that suits your fleet. Choose TollGuard or TollLink and stop dealing with pesky toll violations and penalties.

TollLink™ Proactive Toll Management for Fleets
TollLink is the most complete fleet toll management solution for fleets that primarily toll nationally, or within specific regions, to conveniently access toll roads without worrying about payment. Commercial fleets choose TollLink to ensure the fleet has the right toll coverage, where they need it. Fleet managers save time and cost by not having to manage and fund multiple toll accounts, make multiple payments, deal with toll violations, or worry about toll costs – with TollLink a fleet is in control.
Who is it for?
- Fleets that frequently use toll roads
- Fleets that need regional or national toll coverage
- Fleets that consistently pay toll violations
Visit ViziFleet.com to learn how TollLink works, view coverage maps and more.
Video Tolling Backup Network
TollGuard is the best option for fleets that infrequently use toll roads but require backup coverage to avoid toll violations when their vehicles do encounter tolls. Fleet vehicles covered by TollGuard benefit from a national video tolling network which does not require a fleet to acquire and install new devices. TollGuard is the quickest way for fleets stop dealing with costly toll violations and penalties and reduce costs.
Who is it for?
- Fleets that consistently pay toll violations, fines or penalties
- Fleets with vehicles that occasionally use toll roads
- Self-managed fleets with a local transponder
Visit ViziFleet.com to learn how TollGuard works, view coverage maps and more.

Optimizing Fleet Toll Management
As the leading provider of fleet tolling solutions here are the ways our customers benefit:
- Toll Violations: Reduce or eliminate covered all-electronic and cashless toll lanes
- Fleet Toll Spend: Gain crucial visibility into tolling activity
- Toll Processing and Administration: Save 50-80 percent over traditional methods
- Interoperable Tolling: Available on all-electronic and cashless toll roads for all covered vehicles
- Route Optimization: Deepen fleet efficiencies by understanding routes and tolling
- Customer Satisfaction: Enable convenient cashless tolling for customers and fleet drivers
- Back-Up Toll Coverage: Prevent toll violations if the fleet vehicle’s primary tolling method fails
Address parking, red light, and speed violations to prevent escalating issues.
Title & Registration
Get fleet vehicles on the road faster and ensure compliance with state requirements.
European Solutions
We also offer toll and violation management services in 15 European countries.
Contact Us
Verra Mobility offers mobility solutions for fleets.
For personal tolling account support, please contact your tolling authority directly.
Verra Mobility
Corporate Office, Customer Service
Ph: (480) 443-7000
Commercial/Fleet Solutions Sales Team
Ph: (480) 470-6487